The NSOpenPanel class is used here, the documentation can be seen on the Apple developer library here NSOpenPanel.
Without further ado, let's get stuck in!
1. Create a new MonoMac Project
As per the Hello OS X tutorial, edit the MainWindow.xib in xcode and add a button and an action called _OpenClick and a label called _Label1 with an outlet:
2. A small bit of coding
Add the handler for the button action to MainWindowController.cs:
partial void _OpenClick(NSObject sender)
var openPanel = new NSOpenPanel();
openPanel.ReleasedWhenClosed = true;
openPanel.Prompt = "Select file";
var result = openPanel.RunModal();
if (result == 1)
_Label1.StringValue = openPanel.Filename;
Now Run the application and test the code - pressing the Open button should invoke the Open File Dialog:
Select a random file and observe the Label being updated:
3 Additional notes
The NSOpenPanel can also be used to specify if it is for selecting just files or directories using these properties:
Also note that the NSSavePanel can be used for saving files.
BTW, "Filename" and "Filenames" is deprecated now, it is recommended to use "Url" and "Urls".